So you know I had a port revision yesterday, I was able to eat and drink like normal though. Then, today, I stopped at Beaners (local crack house for coffee lovers) and got a mocha chill and a cinnamon roll.
I had two bites of that roll when OMG WTF IS THAT??
It was RESTRICTION my friends. And what did I do? made the classic mistake of taking a drink to try and get it down. didn't work.
So now I'm enjoying my soup with a couple of shrimp in it and shooting dirty looks at my cinnamon roll.
Restriction! AT LAST!!!
Next time by six cinnamon rolls and bring them over to me. I have no restrictions.
Sorry, just home from work. That should be 'buy', not 'by'. Don't forget the cinnamon rolls.
Since I have been gaining about a pound a day being off work, I will be following this closely. I am sure I will qualify for surgery soon!
Seriously, ENJOY the feeling of "restriction"....every time I eat my forbidden hot fudge sundae, I will try to chant....restriction, restriction!
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