Thursday, March 27, 2008

My funny girl

When Alexis was smaller, any time I would take her shirt off her, I would leave it around her head like a hat for a minute and we would giggle about it. After awhile, she started thinking that leaving her shirt on her head like a hat made her look like Santa. Now, any time she takes her shirt off, she says in this faux deep voice "Ho ho hoooo" this morning she walked up with her shirt on her head, belly jutted out saying in the deepest voice she could muster, "ho ho ho....I'm pregnant" then dissolving into giggles

Monday, March 24, 2008


Here are my 7 random/weird facts:

1) I did my first musical when I was 5 years old. I popped out of a trash can lol my brother (age 12) was in the same musical, he was a caterpillar/butterfly.

2) I've had 13 years of private vocal training

3) I can't remember the last time I wore a skirt.

4) I don't have a green thumb, but I love growing things, so I bought an aero garden lol We just had our first salad from it!

5) I've only lived in 2 cities and 3 houses my entire life.

6) I don't like shoes. I would much rather wear sandals than anything else. My feet need to breathe.

7) My favorite holiday is always the one that's coming up next as long as it means I can get together with my family. I love the planning, decorations, cooking and the conversations.

People I'm tagging....

Mona Chin
Bruce Cromwell
Susan Mayes
Gary Forbis
Uncle Jim

Sunday, March 16, 2008

In memory of...

I finally decided to go ahead and get the tattoo I've always wanted, but never known what design to get.
As soon as I saw Karen's headstone, I knew what I wanted. I've had it over a week, it's still healing, but all in all it's not so bad!

This symbol really means a lot to me. It's basically a fancy O Mike Ohm put on Karens headstone, it's also on his arm. When Karen died, dad, Mike O and I were there. After 3 days of no meaningful movement, the final moments before she died, she smiled. We all got to see that and it's an important moment I'll always treasure.


Sometimes, ignorance IS bliss! I got an email regarding this clip WHILE I was watching a show with Kathy Griffin in it. I can't tell you exactly why, but even though it was my favorite kind of show (funny commercials), I had to change the channel. I feel so bad for people who don't believe, they're missing SO much!!