Friday, August 13, 2010

A few of my favorite things...

Touched off by a post from Cat, I thought I'd post a few things that are making me happy these days.

I grew an actual cucumber.  This is big for me, I'm not known for keeping plants alive.  I planted a flat of pickle cucumbers and they're thriving!  Here is the first one I picked.

I bought a soda maker a few months ago.  Now, I'm not spending $$ on bottled or canned carbonated water, it has more than already paid for itself!

I love being entertained by people who can make fun of themselves.

 And by those who make fun of others.

She Worf

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Keep Calm

Earlier in the year, my friend Mindi found this poster she felt was a great addition to her home. Besides being right up her history loving ally, it's a nice moral booster in the midst of life.

This week while in Schulers, a small gift bag caught my eye
I had a laugh, but it got me thinking that there were probably more amusing parodies of this particular piece of propaganda.  Indeed there are.