Thursday, June 21, 2007


I found out this week my good friend Bud is moving to Tampa where the job market is WIDE open. He has 2 degrees and still can't find what he needs up here! Although I'm sad my friend is moving, I'm glad he has a chance to move and find the career he's been after for years.
I'm not 100% sure what Bud (left) and Miguel (right) are doing exactly, but Bud says they were only experimenting haha

Catching up

I turned 29 over a week ago, it was good day. I had lunch at red lobster with my mom, then went to my dads for dinner with the family. Lori made these awesome grilled pork tenderloin fajitas. I got a gift card to Douglas J, which everyone knows is a perfect fit every time haha. I went last Friday for a lovely hour and a half long was sooooo nice! My skin still feels great.

Saturday was Mikes openhouse lots of food,


and a few dumb stunts (which I later found out ALEXIS saw...we'll be having a chat about that later lil antwon)

We had a lot of fun playing with the puppies and we picked ours out!

Still working on mom though...she's gonna be a hard sell.

Friday, June 8, 2007

On becoming 29 next week

Ok ok, so I know 29 is NOT old, but it's the oldest I've ever been ;) Plus I'm seeing actual things that are telling me I'm on the slippery slope to middle age. I have grey hairs cropping up on my head. They are quickly removed so I can deny them as long as possible. Last night, I was taking out my contacts, consequently having to get very close to the mirror. I noticed what some women call "stray eyebrows" I had an actual hair on my chin. EW GROSS. it took me about 2.45 seconds to grab the tweezers and pull that sucker out. How long had that been there? I'm shuddering just thinking about it. I have to hold things a little closer sometimes to read/see them well. Which I know can be fixed with an eye appointment, but STILL!!! dang.

See you at Denny's for the early bird special.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Tobacco Nazi

I recently read in a friend's blog about his little tobacco nazi. you can read that post here.

As many of you know, I have my own tobacco nazi as the Chins know full well.

I've let Alexis know she can go to another room or politely ask people not to smoke around her but she cannot harass them haha

It's been two months and I still can't post my Karen blog. It still feels too private, isn't that strange? We all went through it, it's not like I'm writing new information. How do you stop grieving long enough to start healing?