Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Wiggly Party!

The kids, my mom and I had a GREAT time at The Wiggles!! We managed to keep where we actually were a secret until we were in the parking lot and going to walk into the building. Here is Alexis' face when I told her who we were there to see!

We had a beautiful rose to give to Dorothy the dinosaur, who loves to eat roses!

The Wiggles! Jeff, Murray, Sam and Anthony

We saw our favorite Wiggly Dancers, like Ben who is such a spaz I couldn't get a good pic

Captian Feathersword was a treat as usual!


Daniel was pretty quiet, no expression for about the first ten minutes. But after Murray (pictured above) walked RIGHT past us, he got this huge grin on his face, he had finally realized we were seeing the Wiggles LIVE!! His favorite song (one of many) is "quack quack cockadoodledoo, seen below.

Music with Murray!Putting up the big Murray balloon!whoops, the back of Jeff's head haha

Alexis and Daniel had a great time wiggling!!


cupcakesandcoffee schwartz said...

Oh My Gosh!! It looks like they had a blast. I love Alexis' pigtails swinging around as she danced.

SignGurl said...

The looks on their faces is priceless.

I found you through OH.