Saturday, March 19, 2011

Super Saturday!

Saturday started in MSU at the Veterinary College, for Vet-a-Visit!

 We met some sweet doggies, one promptly rolled over for a belly rub:)
After we'd had enough animal fun, we headed over to Koney Island in Hanna Plaza. Daniel inhaled a 1/2 order of pancakes which was still FOUR pancakes, and Alexis enjoyed fish and chips.

Full of lunch, we all decided walking sounded good so we headed over to Fenner Arboretum for the Maple  Syrup Festival!

Alexis tried on a raccoon fur (it had been a stole in a former life)

The kids took turns learning how to tap a tree for sap

How does THAT become maple syrup??

Friday, March 11, 2011

We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him

This morning, as the kids and I sadly watched the footage of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, I took the opportunity for us to pray as a family before we left for school.  We specifically prayed that people who were looking for loved ones would find them quickly.  Minutes later in the car, we were listening to and heard a man calling the station to let them know, after calling earlier for prayer to hear from his brother in Japan, he had just received word from his sister that she had gotten a facebook message from their missing brother.  It was literally less than 5 minutes from when we had prayed!  I glanced back at the kids and saw their wide eyes and smiles.  Amazingly, a terrible tragedy has been used to show 2 children that their prayers are heard and answered.

Monday, March 7, 2011

It's almost SPRING!

Today's mail brought the Spring/Summer Parks and Recreation Activities Guide. The trick is, finding something for each kid that is at the same place, at roughly the same time so mama isn't driving all over hells half-acre!