I really do like Christmas :) I like the preparation, and I LOVE the shopping. One of my favorite things to do is gift shopping. Every year my church adopts local families who have a little trouble making ends meet. We can buy a certain dollar amount of clothes and toys for each child, turn them into the church and they get distributed to that family. Sometimes there are parishioners who want to donate money but either hate shopping or just don't have the time.
That's where I come in.
I take the donated money and the children's information, buy the clothes and toys, wrap everything up and drop it off to the church. A perfect arrangement since I haven't worked in 6 months and wouldn't have the money to do it otherwise!
Daniel and I were shopping at Meijer and I couldn't resist capturing the pure joy a few fish can bring
This week we had our annual "drag the tree out of the attic, and into the garage, use the leaf blower to blow off all the dust from the parts and put it all together"
Alexis was excited...
Daniel put on his Bob the Builder hat and pitched right in!